Project Description

Breese Water Treatment Facility
City of Breese, IL

The project consists of a new 2 MGD microfiltration membrane surface water treatment plant. The plant utilizes submerged membranes for filtration. A 12-month pilot study was conducted prior to design to determine design parameters. At the time there were no similar facilities in Illinois.

Raw water is pulled from Shoal Creek via passive screens. In-line static mixers are utilized for rapid mixing, followed by two 17’ x 17’ x 12.9’ flocculation basins that operate in series or parallel. Settling is accomplished via two 34’ x 10’ x 17.8’ basins, each with 114 4.5’ x 10’ inclined plates. Three 17’ x 10’ x 11.6’ concrete basin contain 97,920 square feet of membranes . The PVDF membranes have a nominal pore size 0.04 microns and a design flux of 20 gfd during the winter. The membranes are an absolute barrier to Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and some viruses. A fourth basin was constructed to allow for expansion to 4 MGD within the footprint of the constructed plant.