McKinley Rd. Bridge over Branch of Mud Creek
Washington County Highway Department
Work involved approximately 800 feet of approach roadway work on an improved horizontal and vertical alignment. Additional work consisted of the removal of the existing single-span structure on closed concrete abutments, which measured approximately 24’ back-to-back of abutments and 16’-2” clear roadway width. The new structure consists of 20’ span precast 3-sided arch structure measuring 64’-0” back to back of headwalls with a clear roadway width of 24’-0” between guardrails at a 30° right ahead skew. The bridge was designed in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD HL-93 loading and is in Seismic Performance Zone 2 with Soil Site Class C. The substructure consists of cast in place spread footings founded on bedrock.
Topographic and property survey; permitting; geometric design; legal surveys; easement and right of way plats; bridge hydraulics and design; and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates were performed by HMG.